“Always loved, never forgotten, forever missed”

Ch. Alibren Some Other Guy ‘Owen’
23/06/2011 – 27/06/2023
Grateful for all the beautiful moments together. At home, on the hunt, but also on show .He is the softest boy we ever had. A very special one, who will always have a special place in our heart.You deserve your rest, run free dear Owen … We will always love you!

Stanroph Such A Nice Guy ‘Ayden’
29/09/2013 – 11/02/2022
We had to say goodbye to our Ayden, way to early. Our sweet, playful, always smiling best friend. We could understand each other without words. You were so special. Saying goodbye to you was hard. Our heart is broken …
We miss you, a little more every day. We love you sweet teddy bear, forever!
You were and always will be our best friend !

Multi CH. Rayleas My Guy ‘Mylo’
16/06/2006 – 04/08/2018
Our once in a lifetime boy … We had to say goodbye to you, totally unexpected and way to early. Words can’t describe how we feel .We fell in love with you from the first moment we saw you , till the last breath you took in our arms. Thank you for everything, for who you were and for the paw print that you left behind. We hope to find peace in all the beautiful memories you gave us …. You were and always will be our best friend !

Dunehills State Of Art ‘Rooney’
30/10/2007 – 18/07/2018
You will always have a special place in our heart.
Thank you Anouk & Donovan for giving him all your love and to take care of him, he was the king!
RIP our friend we will never forget you!

‘Aido’ of Sharons Dream
30/06/2001 – 22/10/2014
Aido, thank you for the fantastic time we had together.
Knowing you’re in the hearts and thoughts of others helps us a lot through this time of sorrow. We wish you a wonderful trip over the rainbow brige, you will meet your friend Tjarko and our lovely lady Dayra.
You have a special place in our heart. We love you!

‘Tjarko’ Ter Rode Poort
30/12/1995 – 27/05/2011
Dear Tjarko, thank you so much for the fantastic time we had together.
We wish you a wonderful trip over the rainbow bridge,
You will meet you daughter Dayra again and a lot of golden friends.
He was our very special first golden retriever, and he will always have a special place in our hearts. We love you!

‘Dayra’ Of Sweetmeat’s
04/06/2004 – 13/07/2007
Als twee bruine ogen je vragen, Help me, want ik voel me niet zo fijn. Mag je dan, omdat je voelt, dit is het einde…. Egoïstisch zijn?
Als je hoort, dit komt nooit meer goed, en zij krijgt steeds meer pijn. Mag je dan, omdat je haar niet wilt missen….egoïstisch zijn?Als ogen zich sluiten gaan, en je zonder haar naar huis moet gaan, met de riem in je hand, en een hart vol pijn, dan probeer je jezelf te overtuigen, dit was het beste,Ik mocht niet egoïstisch zijn…Drie jaar was zij bij ons, elke dag was een feest. In die 3 fijne jaren is zij zelf niet één keer egoïstisch geweest …